Friday 19 August 2016


World Photography Day — Ideas & Inspiration to Celebrate All Things Photo

Do you remember the first time you held a camera?
Pushing on a button somehow procured a preserved rectangular memory that you could hold in your hand.
From that day on you never looked back…mostly because you were too busy looking into the viewfinder.
World Photography Day is tomorrow, August 19th, and it’s the perfect day to show your camera some love!
Whether your preferred camera is plastic, pinhole, or also known as your phone, we’ve collected the most inspiring ideas and even a photo themed mixtape to celebrate your very own photo day at home.
Hats off to you, Mr. Daguerre.
p.s. Our buddies at Easy Canvas Prints are giving 50% off + free shipping for Photojojoers (you!). They turn your photos into rad canvas prints!
Feature image: Sherman Geronimo-Tan

Get Nostalgic

beforeSo who the heck figured out the sophisticated science behind photography?
Some say the Frenchman Louis Daguerre inventor of thedaguerrotype did while others are pretty sure William Fox Talbot inventor of the calotype did.
Whether you’re team Daguerre or team Talbot, both declared these two photographic techniques in 1839.
It was in that year that the French government announced photography on August 19th as “a gift to the free world.” And they were so right!
If you look to the right here, you can see one of Daguerre’s first photos which features a person standing on the sidewalk. Look closely. You’ll find him (or her?)!

Get inspired

beforeOne of the best ways to get yourself clicking is to read up on inspiring photographers.
Here are a just few to get you kickstarted:
  • Pete Eckert: A blind photographer who didn’t give up on his camera despite losing his sense of sight.
  • JR: The Banksy of the photo world, JR is the 2011 TED Prize Winner and a photographer activist who’s turned the world’s streets into a photo gallery.
  • Yowayowa Camera Woman: Natsumi took the Project 365 concept one step further by capturing herself levitating in daily self portraits.
  • Vivian Maeir: Most knew Vivian as a nanny, but since John Maloof accidentally discovered 30,000 of her negatives –which revealed an incredible body of work– she’ll now forever be remembered as a legendary street photographer.

Off the Wall Projects

beforePhotographer’s block is real. The good thing about it is when you’re racking your brain for a new project you end up coming up with the wildest ideas.
  • Stick your vintage camera underwater. For serious. If you’re worried about it getting damaged, you can wrap it in a plastic bag or use a broken camera. You only need the viewfinder on a TLR to work in order to do this project.

Throw a party or stay in and read!

beforeWhether you’re in the mood for a party or would rather curl up in your favorite living room nook, we’ve got solutions.
Party! Party! Party!
  • Throw a photo movie party! And don’t forget the popcorn. Don’t know what to watch? Well, we conveniently threw together this ultimate movie roundup of 50 photo movies every photo fan should see.
  • Three words: photo scavenger hunt. Make a list, pitch your friends against each other, and give away sweet photo prizes.
Or chill out at home…

Share your photos

beforeYour photo spree was a success! Now what?
Share your photo talents with the world. The internet’s pretty good for that. Upload your photos to Flickr, and add them to the Photojojo Flickr group. Caption your photo with “World Photo Day” so we know you’re celebrating!
You can even take your photos into real life (!!!!) by printing them out and creating an impromptu living room gallery. Invite friends over and get swanky with some wine/grape juice and cheese.

Take Your Photo Obsession Further

Photo credit: Sherman Geronimo-Tan for feature image, Louis Daguerre for daguerrotype, Natsumi Hayashi for floating photo, Sam DeLong for camera toss, Courtney Carmody reading girl, and Hillary Hartley for photo wall


Happy World Photo Day 2016: Why do we celebrate World Photo Day?
August 19, 2016 08:17 IST
By Arkadev Ghoshal
Camera [Representational image]Pixabay
It’s that time of the year again, when we celebrate the world’s first medium that helped us preserve our visual memories through technology, and without which even videos would not have been a thing. It’s time to wish Happy World Photo Day 2016!
World Photo Day is celebrated on Aug. 19 every year, because that was the day in 1839 that the French Academy of Sciences announced to the world the photographic technique known as daguerreotype, one of the first of its kind in the world. It had been developed by French individual named Louis-Jaques-Mandé Daguerre, hence the name daguerreotype.
The process involved several steps. First, a sheet of copper, plated with silver, would have to be polished till it shone like a mirror, and then treated with fumes that would make the surface photo-sensitive. Then, this surface would have to be exposed in a camera for a considerable amount of time for the photo to become an impression, depending on the lighting available.
The resulting impression on the surface would be “developed” by fuming it with vapours of mercury. Then, the surface’s photo-sensitivity would be removed with a mix of chemicals, and then it would be cleaned and dried. The resulting sheet would then be framed behind glass.
We have since then come a long way, with the process now being reduced to taking out a smartphone, opening an app and clicking away! After all, a photo is a photo, and that is what World Photo Day celebrates. And all this development and advancement was possible just because the French government had bought the patent of the daguerreotype and made the technology available for free! That, and the fact that daguerreotype was the first practical photographic technique led to its announcement date being chosen to mark World Photo Day.
According to its official website, the World Photo Day project started in 2009, and the first World Photo Day was observed on Aug. 19, 2010. It has been described there as “an international photography event on Aug. 19 that celebrates the passion for photography in our communities.” Its founder and project director is Korske Ara, and one of its biggest celebratory events is the uploading of the best photos on the official website of World Photo Day.
So click away, upload away, and here’s wishing you Happy World Photo Day!
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19th Aug each year

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World Photography Day
The soft click of the camera, a flash of light and a moment in time captured forever. Maybe digitally, maybe on film, the medium is never as important as the memory or moment caught. A group of people, a sunset, or even a fish jumping out of the water, a photograph is a way to feel the emotion and context of that exact moment. Celebrate that, on this picturesque Photography Day!
History of Photography Day 
The photograph originally was made by Nicéphore Niépce, using silver chloride coating a piece of paper. However, the photo would eventually turn fully dark as he knew no way to remove the silver chloride from the paper to preserve the photo. Photographs got better and better over the years, first with the ‘still camera’, and the ability to take a picture that way. Think the old west in America, and that camera’s differences to the ones of World War 2, then compare them to modern cameras. The major jumps in technology affected photography as much as any other facet of life around the world. With Kodak, Canon and so many other brands out there, it was of no surprise when the market of photography got such a jump, even more so with the military and surveillance capabilities offered as cameras got better, lighter and more easily used. Yet for all the innovation and creativity, science and even the large amount of art that occurs in the photography realm, not much can beat the simple pleasure of snapping photos and developing your frames to enjoy the integrity of the photos.
How to celebrate Photography Day 
Why not go out and snap a few pictures yourself? Find an older camera, and enjoy the feel, and look, of 35mm film. Walk around and snap some pictures to preserve the time in photographic form. Make a collage, which is a mixture of pictures, sometimes cut into different shapes than the usual rectangles of photos. Go snap some wildlife, either in the wild or at a zoo. Maybe some family photos wouldn’t be out of the question; and you could even use them in the yearly holiday cards in place of the stock sitting stills. Or go see a museum about photography, if you have one nearby to visit. Many museums have cameras in them, and some even explain the use of photography in major events worldwide. How do you think they get the pictures of these events anyways? With a camera of course! So go out there, snap some photos and maybe record a piece of history on this year’s Photography Day!
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